
연세대학교 교원정보 | Yonsei Faculty Information


서울 캠퍼스
Seoul Campus
College of Liberal Arts
Department of German Language and Literature

국지연 프로필사진
국지연 Kook Jiyeon
Seoul Campus
Department of German Language and Literature/Assistant Professor
  • @
  • 02-2123-2333
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유현주 프로필사진
유현주 Yoo, Hyun-Joo
Seoul Campus
Department of German Language and Literature/Professor
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조효원 프로필사진
조효원 Cho Hyowon
Seoul Campus
Department of German Language and Literature/Assistant Professor
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주일선 프로필사진
주일선 Joo, Ill-Sun
Seoul Campus
Department of German Language and Literature/Professor
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홍길표 프로필사진
홍길표 Hong Kil-Pyo
Seoul Campus
Department of German Language and Literature/Dean
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